
Welcome to C-Suite-Consulting
C-Suite-Consulting is a boutique business and financial advisory firm designed to help fellow CEOs, boards of directors, entrepreneurs, business owners, C-level executives and their financial backers and investors prepare and power up their organizations for growth, increase enterprise value and as necessary, blast through and solve critical business and financial issues and challenges that may be keeping them up at night!
Ralph Proceviat, CPA, CA
President, Founder

Running a business is exciting and financially rewarding but full of challenges and risks. As your strategic CFO, I will ride shot-gun with you to plug strategic gaps and blind spots in your business model, strategic thinking and montetization plans, not only at the pre-launch stage but also during the growth phases of your business.
C-Level Executive, Strategic CFO, Business Advisory and Professional Financial Services "On Tap"
If you are an emerging, disruptive tech start-up or a private or publicly traded company poised for accelerated growth (domestically and in the US), C-Suite-Consulting is here to augment and deepen your executive and financial bench strength to help turn your strategic vision and plans into reality.
Get your company on the path to success by putting the best minds in the world together!
Strategize. Organize. Globalize. Maximize.
My Client Service

Contract CEO, CFO, Board and Advisory Board Services
Can you benefit from an Innovative, Pragamatic, Tenacious and Results Oriented C-Level Executive and Trusted Financial Professional to help scale your operations and take your company and business to the next level of growth, profitabilty and enterprise value?
Busines Plan Development & Capital Raising Services
Oftentimes entrepreneurs and management find themselves too deep in the thick of things or caught up in the allure and chase of specific and non-core ideas - all at the expense of maintaining the necessary clinical and unemotional perspective needed to drive success. As a result, the business risks drifting away from its original vision and mission. A Business Plan serves as a roadmap & navigational tool for a company's future.